Youth Group
Celebration YTH exists to lead and train 6th-12th graders. Our students meet on Wednesday night at 7pm at our church located at 2639 Sunset Dr.
An evening at YTH consists of pizza, worship, relevant teaching from our Pastor and Leaders, and small group time where our students can get to know each other while learning to know God better and trust Him more!
Meet our Pastors - Weston & Grace Clark
Pastors Weston and Grace Clark have been married for 3 years and have two young boys! Weston has been serving in youth ministry since he was old enough to be in youth! While attending Christ for the Nations Institute Pastor Weston served at a local church in the Dallas area while learning about ministry. As soon as he returned to San Angelo he joined our youth ministry as a leader and has lead a boys small group ever since! Pastor Grace grew up in church life and ministry and has been serving with our youth group for many years! We are so thrilled to have them as our Youth Pastors!

Contact us!
If you have further questions concerning our youth experience simply click the button below and get in touch with us!